О книге
Новое издание популярного учебного пособия Email English поможет научиться писать электронные письма разного характера (деловые предложения, запросы, уточнение полученной информации), а также общаться в социальных сетях. Новая глава содержит рекомендации и знакомит с принятыми в таких сетях, как Facebook и Twitter, лексикой и устойчивыми выражениями. Based on hundreds of real examples, email English deals systematically with the key language for emails and social media. - Basics, including key phrases, opening and closing, giving news, and emails for information and action. - Specific situations, such as arranging meetings, customer-supplier emails, negotiating, and job applications. - Skills such as checking understanding, reporting and describing trends. - General grammar problems such as verb forms, sentence structure, and common mistakes. - Communication styles: formal and informal, direct and indirect, friendly and polite. - A new social media section presents strategies, tips, and key language for writing on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Email English contains a wealth of practice activities, all of which can be used for self-study or with a teacher in class. It also has a phrase bank providing over 500 key expressions for reference while you are writing.