О книге
Венецианский купец Антонио берет деньги в долг у Шейлока. Но ставка чрезвычайно высока. Антонио не возвращает в срок ссуженную ему сумму, и Шейлок настаивает на выполнении условий долгового векселя - жестоком наказании… The Merchant of Venice is an adapted Intermediate level reader written by William Shakespeare. In this classic Shakespeare story, Shylock lends money to a merchant called Antonio and when Antonio cannot pay him back, Shylock demands a terrible punishment. Written as a playscript and includes extracts from the original novel. Key features: - Carefully controlled information, structure and vocabulary - Glossary at the back of the book explains some of the difficult words and phrases - The book has around 1600 basic words for Intermediate-level students - Points for Understanding section and Exercises contained within the back of the book - Free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheets