О книге
Белый Клык - полусобака-полуволк - вырос в дикой северной природе, но вскоре им завладевает не знающий жалости индеец Серый Бобр. Белый Клык, знакомый только со злобой человека и жестокостью природы, превращается в свирепое животное. Пока его не спасает доброта. White Fang is an adapted Elementary Level reader written by Jack London. This book tells the story of White Fang a half-dog, half-wolf animal that has been raised in the wild. White Fang has only known the cruelty of man and violence of nature, which makes him become a savage dog until he is rescued by kindness. Key features: - Carefully controlled information, structure and vocabulary - Some difficult words and phrases are explained with pictures - The book has around 1100 basic words for Elementary-level students - Free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheets Retold by Rachel Bladon.