О книге
Сказочная повесть английского писателя Кеннета Грэма по праву считается мировой классикой детской литературы. Четверо друзей — крот Мол, барсук Баджер, водяная крыса Рэт и жаба Тод — вместе переживают забавные и подчас опасные приключения. Неадаптированное издание на английском языке. Kenneth Grahame (1859–1932) - a Scottish writer. His most famous books, including The Wind in the Willows (1908) and The Reluctant Dragon (1898), were adapted numerous times for stage and film. The Wind in the Willows details the story of Mole, Ratty, and Badger as they try to help Mr. Toad, after he becomes obsessed with motorcars and gets into trouble. The novel is notable for its mixture of adventure, morality, mysticism and camaraderie, and celebrated for its portrayal of the nature of the Thames Valley. The novel was based on bedtime stories Grahame told his son Alastair.