О книге
Юный Робинзон Крузо вопреки советам отца решает стать моряком и уходит в плавание. Вскоре его корабль, попав в жестокий шторм, терпит крушение, и Робинзон оказывается на необитаемом острове, на котором ему предстоит провести 28 лет. Robinson Crusoe is an adapted Pre-intermediate Level reader written by Daniel Defoe. This is the story of Robinson Crusoe who ignored his father's advice and became a sailor. Caught in a violent storm Robinson finds himself shipwrecked on a remote island for twenty-eight years. Includes an Audio CD. Key features: - Carefully controlled information, structure and vocabulary - Glossary at the back of the book explains some of the difficult words and phrases - The book has around 1400 basic words for Pre-intermediate-level students - Points for Understanding section and Exercises contained within the back of the book - Free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheets Retold by Salma Gabol.